I’m so happy to finally share this song with with you. “I Don’t Know Why It Happens” is the first single from my upcoming EP and it’s a very important song to me.

You can watch the video on YouTube , or Stream the song on Spotify. If you’d like to support what I do, you can do so by buying the single on Bandcamp, iTunes or, Google Play.

I’d love to know what you think!

I’ve written this just a few days after my mother died 2 years ago. It directly came out of grief and acceptance and solitude and the awareness that when people leave, they don’t really leave, but remain in our hearts and the air we breathe in.

My experience with Buddhism and mindfulness prepared me for it, and I was able to accept grief without trying to resist it. It’s useless to be asking oneself ‘why me?’, ‘why now?’. All we can do is accept what happens to us and learn as much as we can from it.

Sometimes it is not that easy, and obviously the pain of losing one’s mother, or anyone, really, is not a burden that is light to lift. The tears will flow, the stomach will be heavy, but as long as we look at what we have now and forward, the ache acquires a different meaning and purpose.

So I sat at a piano, and tried to put all this into words and sounds.

And I Don’t Know Why It Happens is what came out.



Have you listened to it? What do you think about it?

Feel free to send me an email with your thoughts at and let’s talk about it. 🙂

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