Usa queste registrazioni per riscaldarti prima delle nostre lezioni o della tua pratica di canto. Di solito il riscaldamento richiede dai 5 ai 10 minuti. Se ti sei appena svegliato o ti senti particolarmente freddo, puoi riscaldarti fino a 20 minuti. Assicurati di non stancarti troppo, altrimenti non avrai abbastanza energia e resistenza quando arriverà il momento di fare esercizi o cantare!

Ricorda che tutti i riscaldamenti dovrebbero essere eseguiti a volume basso e senza “spingere” o sentire alcuna tensione. Sentiti libero di passare alla voce di testa quando inizi a sentire qualsiasi tipo di costrizione o tensione.

Leggi di più sui riscaldamenti qui :

online singing lessons


5 Song Suggestions for Male Singers and Why You Should Practice Them:As a singing student, one of the most effective ways to improve your vocal abilities is by practicing a diverse range of songs. Each song presents unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a […]
As a singing student, one of the most effective ways to improve your vocal abilities is by practicing a diverse range of songs. Each song presents unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced vocalist, incorporating a variety of genres and […]
Sei pronto a portare la tua voce al livello successivo? Non guardare oltre!Mi chiamo Valerio Lysander, sono un vocal coach, cantautore e performer con più di 15 anni di esperienza nell’insegnamento e con concerti in tutta Europa. Offro lezioni di canto complete e servizi di coaching […]
Are you ready to take your singing talents to the next level? Look no further! My name is Valerio Lysander, I’m a vocal coach, singer/songwriter and performer with more than 15 years of experience teaching and performing all over Europe. I offer comprehensive singing lessons and […]
holistic vocal coaching
Singing lessons are fun and useful to perfect your artistry, but our voice, mind, body and feelings are deeply interconnected. Any change in any of these can affect the others, and knowing this and how to deal with it could be the key to unlock your […]
What is Mix Voice?
If you’re a singer, you have probably heard the term “mix voice” a lot. But what is mix voice, and why is it so important for your singing? In this post, we’ll explore the basics and how it can help you unlock your full singing potential […]
The larynx is a vital component of singing because it plays an important role in producing the sound that comes out of a singer’s mouth. It is a small organ located at the top of the throat that houses the vocal cords. It is made up […]
The truth is that there is no “true” voice!Our voices are the result of many years of conditioning from our environment. Maybe the songs we listened to when we were kids, the voices we heard in our home or in school, influences from our language… We […]
Breathing should be the simplest thing in the world. Except, sometimes is not. During our lives, we unlearn the most effective way to breathe and we use muscles that can create unnecessary tension. But there is a way to make breathing more effective and efficient, especially […]
My lessons are for professional, advanced or beginner singers, for everyone who uses their voice, who want to learn how to use or improve their voice, grow as a singer, musician, artist or teacher, feel confident on stage (or in the living room or, why not, in […]